The AMLI 30th Annual Meeting – Denver, August 13-16, 2017

April 20, 2017by admin0

The Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists
30th Annual Meeting

August 13-16, 2017

Renaissance Stapleton Hotel

Denver, Colorado

The meeting unites professionals engaged in the practice and study of medical laboratory immunology and provides an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of immunologic principles and their application to immune mediated disorders, infectious disease, cancer, and quality assurance/quality control of immunologic testing. Attendees will hear experts in the field present new and cutting-edge information about the pathogenesis, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of these disorders. This meeting will also highlight new discoveries in immunology and novel and emerging technologies in laboratory medicine. Finally, this annual meeting offers the individual not only a format for learning but also for collaborations and essential interactions vital to their development and growth.

For more information visit: Event Website

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